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Nose Reshaping (Nose Job)

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Rhinoplasty In Dubai

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Most cosmetic procedures focus on combatting two major issues: ageing and symmetry. As we age, our muscle, fat, and bone tend to shift or diminish – and this results in changes to our facial structure. Ageing-related issues are repaired with procedures such as a facelift or fillers.

Those who seek to repair the form and function of facial structure and symmetrical balance will undergo procedures such as Rhinoplasty – which is called a “nose job” or “nose reshaping” in a popular culture. While the changes may be subtle, undergoing Rhinoplasty can take years off of your face, and the result is relatively permanent.

How ageing affects the nose?

Following Rhinoplasty in Dubai, your nose will retain its new shape with little to no alteration. However, as you age, you may see some slight changes in your nose. As the human body changes, the connective tissues weaken with age. This mainly causes the tip of the nose to drop slightly.

Rhinoplasty - For a look at rejuvenation

Nose Job in Dubai (Nose Reshaping) is not a procedure most people think about when considering anti-ageing surgeries, but it can give your face a younger, more refreshed look and appeal. It can take several years off the face because of structure and aesthetic design.

Many people undergo Rhinoplasty in Dubai to remove or reduce a prominent bump on the nose. A bump that is removed will not come back.

As we age, the tissues and structures of the face begin to break down, droop, and sag, including the nose. However, an experienced surgeon can combat this effect by rebuilding the structures inside your nose.

For example, cartilage from other parts of your body, like your ears, can be used to support the septum and the tip of the nose, as well as help, prevent the overlying tissues from drooping.

A more youthful face

If your primary goal is to look younger, there are other procedures – both invasive and noninvasive – that will help to provide you with more successful results, because they are targeted for facial rejuvenation. Many of the most successful procedures include facelifts, eyelid surgeries, and dermal fillers.

If looking younger is your goal, it’s very important to first address other superficial skin issues such as discoloration, age spots, sun spots, and hyperpigmentation, before undergoing Rhinoplasty in Dubai. These issues are more common in older people who have had more sun exposure.

Other procedures that can help you look younger are laser procedures and facials. Of course, keeping your skin well-hydrated and clean are always the most beneficial tactics in skincare health and beauty.

What Factors Can Affect How My Rhinoplasty Changes with Age?

There is no way to know for sure how one person’s nose will look after decades, or exactly how their Rhinoplasty will change with age, but here are factors that can have an influence:

  • Techniques used during your Rhinoplasty (this is of utmost importance)

  • Your genetics

  • Trauma to the face

  • The thickness of the skin on your nose

The number one decision you can make to have a positive experience with your Rhinoplasty as it ages is to choose the best nose surgeon in Dubai who has extensive experience using advanced surgical techniques that will mitigate the risks of negative effects of an ageing Rhinoplasty. Second of all, you can lower your risk of some elements of ageing that can affect the appearance of your face - like sagging skin or loss of elasticity - by making good lifestyle choices.

 These include avoiding smoking and limiting sun exposure. Remember that no level of lifestyle choices can overcome a Rhinoplasty that was not performed to last well over time. Your initial surgery will be the number one factor in how your nose job ages.

What Changes Can You Expect to See in a Rhinoplasty as it Ages?

The first thing to keep in mind is that when you have a nose job in Dubai, your nose is initially swollen. Over time that swelling will go away, and scar tissue will form. These very first steps are already signs of the underlying changes in the foundation of your nose. The ageing process is initiated by the surgery. Most people are prepared for swelling and recovery but are less prepared for what may happen to their Rhinoplasty after 5 or 10 years.

If you’re trying to combat ageing, Rhinoplasty may be a viable solution for you that can last for a lifetime. Rhinoplasty in Dubai can provide you with a soft, delicate, and youthful look. Get connected to us at Bizrahmed, Dubai to know more about Rhinoplasty and to see our amazing results with other clients.

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